NRI has been included on The Joint Commission's list of acceptable vendors for their ORYX(R) initiative since its inception. ORYX measurement requirements are intended to support Joint Commission-accredited organizations in their quality improvement efforts. NRI was a key member in the development of the Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS) core measure set. NRI provides our members with up-to-date information on The Joint Commission requirements and the changing healthcare environment.
The HBIPS measures are a set of standardized and uniform measures for inpatient psychiatric care, required of all free-standing psychiatric hospitals by The Joint Commission, and also used by all Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities (both free-standing and psychiatric units in general hospitals) to meet CMS requirement. The current HBIPS measures focus on:
- HBIPS 1: Screening for risk of violence to self, risk of violence to others, substance use, psychological trauma history, and patient strengths,
- HBIPS 2: Restraint hours,
- HBIPS 3: Seclusion hours, and
- HBIPS 5: Patients discharged on multiple antipsychotic medications with appropriate justification.
We go the extra mile for you.
We are hands-on with investigating unusual performance rates prior to transmission of data to The Joint Commission.
We provide one-on-one guidance with interpreting reports for quality initiatives.
We will hold a group session to get everyone on the same page, begin the deep data dive required to understand performance levels and make meaningful change.
Twenty-six of our participating hospitals were included in The Joint Commission's “Top Performers on Key Quality Measures”(R) program based on exceptional performance in 2014 on the HBIPS measures.
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