NRI can help you come into compliance with Olmstead.
The Supreme Court Decision, Olmstead vs. L.C., provided a landmark interpretation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); the decision holds that persons with disabilities are entitled to receive services and live in the most integrated settings appropriate for their care. During the 15 years since the Olmstead decision, state governments, and in particular state mental health systems, have worked to modify their service systems to comply with the ADA.
NRI can help your organization to remain squarely in compliance with Olmstead and other legal issues facing state behavioral health agencies. NRI has the following data and information readily available to assist in state efforts:
- Thirty years of trend data
- Information about state agency organization, policies and services
- Demographic information about patients served
- Client-level data with detailed diagnostic and other client characteristics, and Information about other state government agencies.
NRI, in partnership with SAMHSA and Advocates for Human Potential, developed the Community Integration Self-Assessment tool. The tool is intended to provide states an opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses around community integration; however, the tool is not intended to replace a comprehensive outcomes or performance management system.
Please explore below for a deeper understanding of how NRI can help you with Olmstead and other legal issues facing state behavioral health agencies:
- FY 2014 Community Integration Self-Assessment Tool
- FY 2013 Final Pilot Report
- FY 2012 Final Pilot Report
If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact
As a part of SAMHSA’s Olmstead Initiative, NRI will be facilitating four monthly Learning Communities from March through June 2018 focused on the mental health-criminal justice interface. The monthly meetings will be convened virtually via an interactive WebEx platform. Following each presentation, participants will have an opportunity to engage with each other by sending questions and comments. Participation is open to anyone interested in promoting the best possible integrated care for justice-involved individuals with mental illnesses. Updates on monthly topics will be posted here as they become available. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive information about these meetings delivered to your inbox.