People with a serious mental illness can die 25 years earlier than the general population.
NRI envisions a world where no person’s life will be limited by mental illness or addiction. Premature mortality is far higher among people served by state behavioral health systems, compared to the general population.
In 2001, NRI worked with nine states to show that persons with a mental illness have higher rates of mortality than the general population of similar age and gender. Investigating premature mortality more closely revealed that persons with serious mental illness served by state behavioral health systems die a startling 25 years earlier than the general population.
By partnering with NRI to better understand the causality of high mortality rates among behavioral health consumers, Missouri was able to narrow the mortality gap by 10 years.
~Joe Parks, M.D., Missouri
NRI can help your agency determine which factors influence the mortality of consumers in your state. In investigating premature mortality, NRI will work hand-in-hand with you to prepare necessary data files and analyze and interpret your state’s results. At the end of the study, you will receive a detailed, state-specific report about the factors that influence mortality rates. Each state’s results will also be placed in a national context with other states participating in the study.
For more information, download a PDF brochure (423 KB).
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