The use of restrictive interventions in inpatient psychiatric hospitals has received increased attention and scrutiny as it may be dangerous, traumatic, and fatal1. Studies have demonstrated that the use of restrictive measures can have adverse physical and psychological effects on patients, as well as staff. Regarding children and adolescents, certain demographic variables such as age, sex, and length of stay are related to the rate of use of restrictive interventions. Youths with serious emotional disturbances (SED) often have experienced traumatization during their upbringing; thus, the use of restrictive interventions among these patients may result in further traumatization4. Rates of seclusion and restraint also vary by hospital settings; organizations with policies rooted in a restraint-free environment philosophy have shown to report lower rates of restriction.
Use of Restrictive Interventions Among Youths With Serious Emotional Disturbances Treated in State Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitals
October 07, 2022