Survey Results from 2011
Since 2006, NRI has been surveying state psychiatric facilities on their smoking policies and practices. In 2005, NRI performed the analysis of the initial environmental scan conducted by NASMHPD to develop a baseline of information. At that time, there was a 55% response rate and only 20% of facilities indicated that they prohibited smoking. In 2006, NRI developed a refined survey with more variables, such as developing operational definitions of smoking and non-smoking; environmental and safety issues; staff training; and treatment options. Facilities self-identified whether they prohibit or allow smoking by the version of the survey they completed. The 2006 survey had an 82% response rate and 41% of facilities indicated that they prohibit smoking. In 2008, NRI refined the 2006 survey to provide a hierarchy of policy statements in order to refine and categorize facilities as either “prohibiting” or “allowing” smoking and adding questions to focus on treatment and continuity of care. The 2008 survey had a 75% response rate and 49% of facilities were categorized as prohibiting smoking. Our multi-year survey results indicate a clear movement toward facilities prohibiting smoking in their facilities; however, a significant proportion of facilities still allow smoking and identified specific barriers to policy and practice changes. Over the past several years there have been concerted efforts by national groups (for example, NASMHPD, CDC, and SCLC) to provide facilities with toolkits and other resources to promote a smoke-free environment in psychiatric facilities. The main goal of the 2011 survey was to