Short term (less than 24-hour) Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facilities (CRSFs) are one of three core components of the behavioral health crisis care continuum described by SAMHSA’s National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Services. CRSFs are designed to help individuals experiencing behavioral health crises avoid having to go to Emergency Departments or psychiatric hospitals by providing a safe, dedicated place for individuals needing observation or stabilization services to receive specialized services. CRSFs provide short- term (under 24 hours) observation and crisis stabilization services in a home-like, non-hospital environment. Many CRSFs have recliners (instead of beds) and are staffed to facilitate the quick drop-off of individuals in crisis by law enforcement, EMS, and mobile crisis teams. CRSFs have demonstrated effectiveness in helping address crises and reduce use of emergency rooms, psychiatric hospitalizations, and adverse criminal justice system interactions.
2022 Profiles SMHA Support For Less Than 24 Hour CRSFs April 2023

April 03, 2023