NRI Board Members Election and Thank You to Outgoing Members
Thursday, February 15, 2024
NRI had its annual board elections on January 25, and we are excited to announce the four new board members who will start their term at our April board meeting.
First, the NRI Board and Staff want to give a Big Thank you to Lynda Zeller, NRI’s immediate past president who has taken the position of Regional Director (Region 5) with SAMHSA, therefore has stepped down from the board and to NRI past president, David Shern who will also be stepping down from the NRI board in April. Their exemplary service to NRI in providing outstanding leadership, direction and expertise have kept NRI in the forefront of public behavioral health and data analytics. Thank you, Lynda and David!
NRI is excited to have the following four newly elected board members join NRI starting at our April board meeting.
- Tiffany Wolfgang, (South Dakota, Division Chief, Division of Behavioral Health Services)
- Lindsey Browning (Director of Medicaid Programming at the National Association of Medicaid Directors)
- Megan Quattlebaum (Director of Justice Center of The Council of State Governments)
- Melissa M. Beck, ESQ (Executive Director of Sozosei Foundation)
We look forward to welcoming them in April!