New NRI State Profiles Report: SMHA Support for the Behavioral Health Crisis Services Continuum

New NRI State Profiles Report: SMHA Support for the Behavioral Health Crisis Services Continuum

Thursday, September 12, 2024

With major support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and other federal agencies, State Mental Health Agencies (SMHAs) are greatly expanding the availability of services in each of the three core crisis continuum areas. Thirty-five states (with data for both 2022 and 2023) reported an increase of 988 contacts of 49 percent, and twenty states reported a doubling the number of clients served at CRSFs. 

This report summarizes the status of key Crisis Service Components in each state, focusing on Crisis Contact/Call Centers, Mobile Crisis Teams, Crisis Receiving & Stabilization Facilities, and Short Stay Crisis Residential Programs, as well as Crisis Respite and other Crisis System supports. Information about the number of programs in each type, numbers of individuals served, funding, and barriers to full 24/7 statewide access to services are addressed.

Profiles reports are available at: State Mental Health Agency staff have access to detailed accompanying materials through the NRI’s State Profiles restricted access website. Please contact NRI at [email protected] with any questions or comments.