New NRI State Profiles Report: SMHA Support for Mobile Crisis Teams (MCTs)
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Mobile Crisis Teams (MCTs) are a critical component of the behavioral health crisis care continuum as they are designed to meet face-to-face with an individual experiencing a behavioral health crisis and have demonstrated effectiveness in helping address crises and reduce use of emergency rooms, psychiatric hospitalizations, and adverse criminal justice system interactions.
This report highlights information about Mobile Crisis Teams (MCTs) being supported by states. Information about the number of MCTs, number of clients served, who operates MCTs, funding of MCTs, how MCTs are dispatched, workforce shortages, 24/7 statewide availability of MCTs, and outcomes of MCT dispatches are addressed.
Profiles reports are available at: State Mental Health Agency staff have access to detailed accompanying materials through the NRI’s State Profiles restricted access website. Please contact NRI at with any questions or comments.