National Survey of Mobile Crisis Teams Summary Report
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Dr. Matthew Goldman and colleagues have released a report of Results of the first National Survey of Mobile Crisis Teams. This report was prepared for Vibrant Emotional Health and supported by a grant from SAMHSA.
While workforce and funding are key structural barriers, MCTs operating in different contexts have different needs for technical assistance to achieve the vision of a nation-wide network of 24/7, on demand, high performing MCTs that are integrated with crisis hotlines and crisis receiving facilities. These survey results can help to influence further research, evidence-based policy, and funding methodologies.
Last year, NRI released a series of State Profiles reports on the Crisis Continuum, which examined how state governments are supporting the key components of the crisis services continuum (including crisis contact centers, mobile crisis teams, and crisis receiving and stabilization facilities). NRI will shortly be releasing an update summarizing the growth in state support for behavioral health crisis services in 2023, including a focus on state support for mobile crisis services.
NRI staff are also preparing a number of additional 2023 Profiles Highlights on topics prioritized by the State Steering Committee. Future report topics include:
- SMHA Organization, Policies and Financing
- Use of State Psychiatric Hospitals
- Behavioral Health Crisis Services
- Services for Complex Need Children
- Workforce Shortages and State Initiatives to Address Workforce
- State Information Technology, Pay for Performance, and Outcome Measurement
- SMHA Support and Plans for Using CCBHCs
- Forensics with special focus on Competency Evaluations and Competency Restoration—especially community and jail-based services
Profiles reports are available at: www.nri-inc.org/profiles. State Mental Health Agency staff have access to detailed accompanying materials through the NRI’s State Profiles restricted access website. Please contact NRI at profiles@nri-inc.org with any questions or comments.